Multisensory Graphic Studies 1 - 3 3 studies in multisensory scoring using graphic notation funded by Arts Council Ireland

Balloon Studies 1 - 3 3 studies using balloons as vibrotactile aids for music -funded by Arts Council Ireland


The Black Potatoes 3 minutes Composition based on the poem Amhrán na bPrátaí Dubha (Song of the Black Potatoes) for voice, mandolin and percussion. -funded by Artlinks Waterford Bursary



The Onion Drum                                     9’52”
Multisensory piece for tape and live performers for The Body that Breathes; a Silent Concert Experience -commissioned by Jane Hackett


5 Slient Poems 5 multisensory compositions for body language, piano, trombone and double bass. -commissioned by New Music Dublin



Small Wonders: Songs for a Puppet Show                          11’45”


1)Fly with Me            2'30"
2)Worm Song            4'
3)Won't You Dance with Me?            2'45"
4)Lullaby for Me            2'50"

Commissioned by Púca Puppets
Funded by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council



The Sense Ensemble (album)                                     35’52”


1)The Sense Ensemble,Study 1            4'56"
2)Glass of Milk            3'39"
3)Murder in the Tin Shed            2'59"
4)Marshall Bridge Road            3'32"
5)The Sense Ensemble,Study 2            4'26"
6)Her Lonely Musical Nose            3'13"
7)The Eek Shall Inherit the Mirth            2'53"
8)Snail on a Knife Blade            2'45"
9)Eye Am an Ear            2'22"
10)The Sense Ensemble,Study 3            2'29"
11)Ballet for Six Blind Butchers            2'33"

© 2021 2879257 Records DK


Music for Modern Animals (album)                                     30’11”


1)The Great Salty Island            3'
2)Mindlessness            2'38"
3)Covid Mutation no 1            4'09"
4)Lullaby for Bertha Bye            3'18"
5)Janet Dreams of Juniper            2'36"
6)Covid Mutation no2            2'35"
7)The Song My Dad Never Heard            2'32"
8)Covid Mutation no 3            3'54"
9)The One and Only Magnifico            3'01"
10)Abandoned Zoo at Night            2'09"

© 2021 2879257 Records DK


The Dream of the Knockabock 50’ -a twelve-minute ‘mobile composition for multisensory voices’ created was a rich pageant of sound, movement and was a spatial performance to remember.



Music within a 2Km Radius                                                       4’52”
based on recordings
made within a 2 km
radius of my home
while on lockdown
during the Covid-19 pandemic
-funded by an Arts Council Covid Response Fund 2020



Harmonic Jello                                                                       16’47”
for cello and
diatonic harmonica
in 4 movements
-funded by an Arts Council Music Bursary Award

White Swans, Black Water                                                   10’
for guitar quartet
based on the calls
of whooper swans
on the River Blackwater, County Waterford
-commissioned by Waterford Arlinks 2019


WORKSONGS #4, The Hospital Song                                   4’
A song written for
choir and piano for
performance by
Tallaght University Hospital Choir
-funded by South County Dublin INCONTEXT4


WORKSONGS #3, Hear Us Amongst the Fungus                     4’
A song written for
3 voices and guitar for
while picking mushrooms
-funded by South County Dublin INCONTEXT4


WORKSONGS #2, Yesterday and Tomorrow Meet Today                       10’
A song written for
voices and guitar for
by Platform 1 Writer’s Group
-funded by South County Dublin INCONTEXT4


WORKSONGS #1, First Earlies                                                                   4’
A song written for
3 voices and ukulele for
while planting potatoes
-funded by South County Dublin INCONTEXT4



The Sense Ensemble, Study #3                                                    4’
An multi sensory composition for
flashes, beeps and pulses
as part of PhD research
for Trinity College Dublin
-funded by The Irish Research Council and
The Trinity College Visual and Performing Arts Fund


The Sense Ensemble, Study #2                                                    8’
An experimental study for
string quartet, smoke ring cannons and sign language
as part of PhD research
for Trinity College Dublin
-funded by the Irish Research Council


The Sense Ensemble, Study #1                                                         15'
An experimental study for
string quartet, smoke ring cannons and sign language
as part of PhD research
for Trinity College Dublin
-funded by The Irish Research Council and
The Trinity College Visual and Performing Arts Fund


Music for Small Ears                                                                   12'
Songs composed for babies
to be performed in public health clinics
across Ireland
-funded by an Arts Council Project Award
Produced by George Higgs, Helium Arts Trust, W.H.A.T



Great War Signal Corps                                                                   90’
A choral theatre performance for
choir, piano, bass and telegraph keys
to commemorate
the First World War
-commissioned by The National Museum and Dublin City Council


AFLOAT                                                                   15'
A composition for alto trombone
tenor trombones (2), baritone horn, bass trombone
and bass tuba
for performance on the Avoca River
by Blown Identity and the composer (on trombone)
-commissioned by an Artist in the Community Award,
CREATE Ireland (The Arts Council)
in collaboration with the Arklow Rowing Club


Up the Downbeat                                                                   15'
A symphony written for strings
woodwind, brass and percussion
for performance by
young musicians in Arklow
-commissioned by Wicklow County Council
and produced by the Contemporary Music Centre
under the per cent for art scheme on behalf of
Music Generation



The Lost and Found Sound Assembly                                      70'
6 song machinists assemble and perform on
a large musical instrument
of the composer's invention
all materials being sourced from
recycling centres
commissioned by Dublin City Public Arts Programme


The Syntonic Street Experiment                                     40’
6 song machinists maneuver and perform on
a mobile musical instrument comprising a tone-wheel generator, keyboard, modular synthesizer and baritone guitar.

commissioned by Arts Council Ireland



DOOR                                                            15'
2 musicians push a musical door around
a city, stopping periodically
to perform a musical composition
commissioned by The Arts Council



The Jimmy Rig Slip Jig                                      50'
6 song machinists assemble and perform on
a large musical instrument
of the composer's invention
commissioned by The Arts Council


The Machine of Song                                      15'
A composition for an instrument
invented specifically for performance
by deaf ensemble
commissioned by The Arts Council's
Artist in the Community Scheme



The Poor Man’s Ball                                      14’38”
5 pieces of musique concrète
to be played in 8 channel presentation
during an interactive theatre event
based on the short story entitled The Poor Man’s Ball
written by George Higgs
commissioned by an Arts Council
Music Commissions Award 2010

The Electro Acoustic Journey of the Joculator     15'
for Joculator (an electro acoustic vehicle),
brass trio and the general public
commissioned by Temple Bar Cultural Trust




The Evolvaphone                                                  21'
a booth which generates a composition
according to the laws of natural selection
Programmed using Pure Data
commissioned by the WELLCOME TRUST
and the Arts Council


Head of Hamlet                                                  20'
an installation for music, light and vibrations
Programmed using Pure Data
funded by an Arts Council Project New Work Award

Music for Modern Animals                                  8'
3 hand cranked outdoor sculptures which
play a composition for telegraph and livestock orchestra
-funded by the Arts Council through Airfield Trust

The Idiot Box                                                        21'
music for boxes, lights and dancers


Bed of Macbeth                                                        25'
a tragedy for music cinema in 5 scenes


a=aght                                                                     2'44
tape piece using street sounds and young people's voices
commissioned by Jackie Summell


The Electro Acoustic Exchange                             25'
for 4 cellos, 8 speakers, 4 commodities and sine waves


The Voyage of Particle H                                          12'
- the musical diary of a journey through a carbon atom
for orchestra and bass soloist

Music for Six-Legged Percussionists                     10'42
for houseflies and dungbeetles
(in lamps and cigar boxes respectively and respectfully)

Edible Music Recipe #1                                           4'10
for tape, speakers and rice

Who's There?                                                            16'40
for amplified door, two knockers, double bass,
electric guitar, clarinet, oboe, trombone and trumpet


W.V.H .                                                                       10'18
for string orchestra,
commissioned by Kremlin Chamber Ensemble

Storm in a Teacup                                                     17'
sonata in three movements for piano,
electronics and teacup speakers

The Rainbow Death of Roy G Biv                           8'40
for chamber ensemble

Fatimaphone Suite                                                  8'30
for homemade dulcimer, samples
and trash cans on pulleys

The Callan Workhouse                                           7'20
for amplified table,
wooden blocks, sewage pipes, homemade dulcimer
and live electronics
Commissioned by the Butler Gallery

Scenes from an Invisible Play                               1'
short piece for solo double bass

Music for an Invisible Play in 9 scenes               21'58
for string quartet

The Dragonfly Dreams It's a Moose                    8'40
for saxophone ensemble

Symphony of Invisible Sound                               22'50
in 10 movements for full orchestra
(transcribed for wind ensemble)

The Famine Dance                                                  4'
for string orchestra
winner of the Director's Prize Mozart 250



The Shelfless Sonata                                             16'
for piano in four movements

Brass Picnic                                                            18'
for mobile outdoor brass ensemble
4 quartets (hn, tpt, tr, tb)

The Workhouse Sonata                                        19'52
for string trio (vn,vla,vc) and three voices (S,A,B)


Hongongalongalo; an opera without words       90'
for female choir and orchestra
4 stars from the Irish Times


Dreaming Dog                                                            4'02
tape piece

Baghdad Rag                                                            4'18
tape piece for B4 organ


Suicide of Miss Understood;a guerrilla opera with 3 commercials      80' for choir, soloists and rock band


Kahoogaphone; a guerrilla opera in 2 acts       90'
for 3 singers and small ensemble



3 pieces                                                                   7'
for cello and guitar